Fed Up

I’m angry. Angry to the point of having headaches. To the point of not sleeping. I’m fed up with a world that seems hell-bent on destroying everything beautiful and possible, and for what? Greed? Fear?


“Maybe everything. End up with nothing.” – Jeff Noon Clinging to a rock wall opens up opportunities to assess your choices. And to make choices: choose your direction. Choose to forge ahead. Choose to give up. Choose to freeze and hope the moment passes. I’m a forge-ahead kind of person, often at my peril. From […]

A Place of Revelations

“The world is good despite my sighs.” – Nikos Kazantzakis Chris and I have both spent time in Greece in our younger years. When Chris was between six and nine years old, he spent about two collective years in the Greek Islands, particularly on the island of Patmos, renowned for its Cave of the Apocalypse, […]

Trying It On For Size

“Now, being in Africa, I was hungry for more of it, the changes of the seasons, the rains with no need to travel, the discomforts that you paid to make it real, the names of the trees, of the small animals, and all the birds, to know the language and have time to be in […]

There Is No Present Like the Time

I have never felt the presence of time in a place like this before. The Orkney Islands are permeated with time. It washes over the purple heather fields. It winds down the narrow stone streets. It settles heavily in the salty air. You feel it everywhere: your chapter in the story, your note in the […]

Back on the Road

“Take what you want, says God, and pay for it.” – M.M. Kaye It is the nature of choices that one precludes another. I resent this because there is nothing more frustrating to me than a path not taken, but I’m coming to terms with the rhythm of decisions: everything comes with a cost. Chris […]